Request for Testimonials / Input

Benefits of Self-Study in the Accreditation Process: Request for Testimonials / Input

Deadline: August 30, 2024

In celebration of CEA’s 25th Anniversary in 2024, a comprehensive analysis of the self-reported benefits of self-study taken from responses included in over 550 self-study reports submitted between 2012 and 2023 has been completed. Findings indicate that sites have reported four primary areas of benefit: organizational learning, capacity-building, a culture of improvement, and stakeholder relations. Within these broad areas, 38 specific subconcepts have been identified; see next two pages for the complete list. To enhance our research through methodological triangulation, CEA is now seeking testimonials related to each of these subconcepts.

Submission Guidelines:
Tell us how your program or language institution has experienced the benefits of self-study related to one of the sub-concepts listed on the next two pages. Each testimonial must be based on a single sub-concept and can have up to two authors. There is no limit on the number of testimonials an author or site may submit.

If the testimonial is based on the work of a currently-CEA-accredited site, the site’s primary contact, if not an author, must provide permission for submission of the testimonial.

Word limit: 100-200 words is suggested with a maximum of 300 words per entry.

Informed Consent:
Selected testimonials will be published on the CEA website later this year and may be referenced in future publications. Testimonials will be credited in aggregate to the author(s) and the site that submitted them. Submissions may be edited for clarity. By submitting, you agree that your testimonial may be used as part of this research study and included in any publications, materials, and resources produced by CEA.

Submissions will be accepted from July 1, 2024, through August 30, 2024. The Research Committee will review submissions, and authors of selected testimonials will be notified by CEA staff.


2024 CEA Testimonials / Input (click to read a PDF of the survey questions)

The following are the 38 sub-concepts identified as benefits of self-study through CEA research data. Each testimonial submission must be based on one subconcept. See prior page for additional information about submission.

Theme 1: Organizational Learning

The self-study process…

  • 1A provided a framework for review
  • 1B allowed us to comprehensively reflect on our organization
  • 1C helped identify areas for improvement
  • 1D helped confirm areas of strength and reaffirm our mission
  • 1E made us better for students and provoked necessary changes
  • 1F encouraged us to prepare for managing change; guided changes
  • 1G provided a way to benchmark against standards of the field
  • 1H allowed us to spend focused time on self-evaluation

Theme 2: Capacity Building (people)

The self-study process…

  • 2A improved the workforce through personnel improvements: formal credentials, professional development, emerging leaders
  • 2B promoted an understanding of others’ roles in the organization
  • 2C resulted in improved communication and a unified community of practice
  • 2D encouraged personnel to view accreditation as a worthy endeavor
  • 2E empowered and motivated individuals to contribute to the organization more deeply

Theme 3: Culture of Improvement

The self-study process…

  • 3A led to a commitment to structured planning and review
  • 3B led to administrative improvements, specifically related to…
    • 3B1 internal operational policies and procedures (manuals, policy documents, etc.)
    • 3B2 administrative practices, including job descriptions and reporting lines
    • 3B3 maintaining documentation, recordkeeping systems and protocols
  • 3C led to academic improvements, specifically related to…
    • 3C1 changes to the curriculum 3C2 improved student learning outcomes written in observable and measurable terms
    • 3C3 revised assessment instruments and procedures better aligned with student learning outcomes
    • 3C4 basing progression decisions on direct evidence of achievement of SLOs
    • 3C5 building a culture of data-driven decision making through analysis of student needs and student progression
    • 3C6 resolving long-standing issues in curriculum and student achievement
    • 3C7 quality of instruction, including developing instructional materials and stating instructional methodologies
  • 3D led to improvements in student services, specifically related to…
    • 3D1 better pre-arrival information, orientation, social and recreational activities, or other student services
    • 3D2 making policies clearer to students
  • 3E led to improvements in the annual calendar or length of terms/delivery of the curriculum
  • 3F led to changes in facilities and/or instructional equipment, including investment in instructional technology

Theme 4: Stakeholder relations

The self-study process…

  • 4A led to broader public recognition of our organization
  • 4B resulted in increased visibility within the host organization
  • 4C contributed to improvement of the field as a whole
  • 4D allowed us to become SEVP-certified
  • 4E promoted confidence in our organization from partners, resulting in new and improved partnerships with third-party agents, sponsors and other partners
  • 4F resulted in improved accuracy of information provided to the public
  • 4G provided specific benefits to faculty, including making the organization attractive to new faculty as part of faculty recruitment 


2024 Request for Testimonials (click to open a PDF of this announcement including list of subconcepts)